A Notice Of Upcoming Changes to Our Services and Pricing

Dear valued customers and community members,

First of all, we’d like to extend a big thank you to everyone for your support, patronage and spreading the word about our Hubs hosting services. Since launching Virtual Link’s beta offering earlier this year, we have been able to make great progress in enhancing and refining our hosting service, and as far as we can tell, we are still on mission, offering the easiest path available to getting your Hubs CE up and running on a secure, scalable, managed hosting platform. 

During our launch phase, the VLH team has been incredibly busy juggling the time spent building infrastructure, supporting customers, and devoting time and resources to helping establish the Hub Foundation, a new non-profit organisation devoted to the future of Hubs. Until we get the opportunity to grow our team, we are going to reduce some service offerings and increase the pricing of our hosting services.

First, is the changes to our Services offerings. We are going to stop selling service blocks starting immediately. Service blocks were meant to be an easy way to buy our time and then apply that block of time to coding, 3D design or cloud admin services. With that we will be removing some a la carte services and moving others to a contact for quote workflow instead. 

  • We are no longer offering a Hubs Migration service. 
  • We are discontinuing Kubernetes administration as a service. 
  • We will continue to offer 3D design and custom coding, but on a quote for service basis. Interested parties can contact us to discuss scope and get a quote. ([email protected])

We are also changing what we charge for our Personal, Professional and Enterprise monthly hosting. Our introductory price offering was based on how the existing Hubs packages were priced, and while we really wanted to align our pricing to Mozilla’s, we are doing things slightly differently on our backend, and in most cases offering more resources and utility to your instances, so ultimately we need to charge more to achieve and sustain this. 

  • Free plans will remain unchanged for now
  • Personal will change from $7 to $20 per month
  • Professional will change from $79 to $120 per month
  • Enterprise will start at $500 per month and up depending on the scaling solution.

Hosting pricing changes will come into effect on June 3rd 2024 for all new subscriptions. We will continue to honour our existing customers’ introductory pricing for your first 12 months of service, we will not increase your bill until your thirteenth month, and we will send reminder notices close to that anniversary.  

That also means that anyone who signs up before June 3rd with our current pricing will get to lock in 12 months of service at the introductory price! Don’t wait, get a plan now! We hope everyone understands this is a necessary adjustment so that ultimately we can provide everyone with better service and value as we grow! If you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to reach out to our support.

Here to help,
The Virtual Link Hosting Team

Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.